Boost Your Email Open and Read Rates

Published On: October 3, 2024

An average person receives around 121 emails per day. With so much competition for share of voice (SOV) in your recipient’s inbox, it may seem impossible to stand out. But you don’t have to worry. There’s still a way to grab your target readers’ attention and boost your email open and read rates by writing compelling subject lines and email copy. With the following email writing tips, you can create click-worthy emails.

Effective Strategies for Producing Engaging Emails

Creating and sending emails that don’t get opened can quickly start to feel like a chore. However, if you implement the following strategies, your emails will have a greater chance of being read and an even higher chance of enticing recipients to take action.

1. Improve email open rates by working on your subject line

Your email’s subject line will always be the deciding factor whether the recipient will open your email or not. To generate engaging email subject lines, consider implementing the following best practices:

    • Keep it short. Do you know that 81% of emails are being read via smartphones? Email marketing experts recommend keeping subject lines to 30-50 characters, or about 4-7 words.
    • Add a touch of personalization. You can also include the recipient’s name on your subject line to make your emails feel more personalized. 
  • Include power words. Power words are words that evoke emotion. Examples are exclusive, shocking, ultimate, guaranteed, limited, urgent, unbelievable, and more.
  • Try different email subject line hooks. Your email subject lines don’t always need to be in headline form. They can also be descriptive statements, questions, or curiosity triggers.
  • Use emojis. Adding an emoji to your email subject line might just be your saving grace. Based on a study, subject lines with emojis have higher open and click-through rates.

2. Keep your email body content concise

People are busy, so they spend less time reading brand emails. In fact, data shows individuals typically give each email only about 10 seconds of their attention. So, you have to keep your emails short!

When writing emails, only include the most important points you want to convey to your readers. Write emails within 200 words or less to ensure better response rates. Moreover, limit your paragraphs to 2-3 sentences to avoid big chunks of text.

3. Use direct and simple words

Emails are not fiction stories, so get straight to the point and write in simple words. This makes your message clearer and more understandable to your target readers, especially if you have non-native english speaking email subscribers.

If you’re using difficult language and industry jargon, your readers might lose interest and resist taking action. Moreover, this can lead to confusion and misinterpretation.

4. Format and design your emails

How you present your email is as important as writing your email copy. Before hitting send, make sure your email is properly formatted. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Does your email exhibit the right color palette for your brand? 
  • Does it follow the same font style and size? 
  • Are your email’s headings/subheadings properly highlighted? 
  • Have you added bullet points to your itemized lists? 
  • Have you included the necessary visuals in your email, such as icons, images, and videos?

You see, words alone may not be enough to encourage your readers to take action. So, you should also give importance to the formatting and design of your emails. By ensuring your email content is visually appealing and optimized for mobile devices, you can enhance click-through rates and overall engagement.

5. Don’t forget the CTA

With an average open rate of 34.20% across all industries, emails can be one of the best marketing tools for your business, so always include a call-to-action (CTA). A CTA is just a way of telling people what you’d like them to do next. Do you want them to read your blog, buy your product, download your offer, or register for your event?

No matter what you want your readers to do, ensure that your CTA is noticeable within your email. To make your CTA stand out, make it large and prominent. Instead of a text link, place your CTA copy inside a button to encourage users to click.

Level Up Your Email Marketing Strategy

Before you can craft compelling email content, you also need a strategic approach. Writing and sending emails without direction can result in low open and click-through rates, as well as higher than average unsubscribe rates.

If you’re looking to integrate email marketing into your business’s digital strategy but aren’t sure where to start, TigersEye Creative is here to help. Simply visit this page to get in touch with us today.

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